Our final day to order iris for shipment in 2024 is Monday August 12th.  Also due to heavy workload there will not be a surplus sale this year, sorry.  

 We have also added an electronic version of the 2024 printed catalogue and order form to the home page below.  It is a PDF file in high resolution, so for those of you with slower internet speed, it may take a few minutes to fully download. The printed version of the catalogue is now off to the printer and will be mailed out sometime in February.     If you have placed an order with us in at least one of the last two years and are a domestic customer, you will automatically receive the printed version, if not then you may order one from the online shop on this website.  

updated January 28, 2024



If you are trying to contact us, email is best as Thomas is outside working in the fields during the day and is not in the office until after dark.  We try to respond to emails promptly.  



It would be a good idea to add this email address to your contacts if communicating with us to prevent any communications from Thomas or Mid-America Garden from going to your spam folder.

2024 catalogue order form PDF


   2024 printed catalogue PDF High resolution (slower download)

Special Offer

Purchase any 3-5  2024 introductions any class and  receive a 10% discount on those varieties

Purchase any 6-11 2024 Introductions any class and receive a 15% discount on those varieties

Purchase 12 or more 2024 introductions any class &  receive a 25% discount on those varieties

Discounts applies only on 2024 introductions

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